All 3 of our dark retreats are currently booked out over 2.5 years in advance with a 2,000+ person waiting list and 30+ new inquiries a day.
And the movement has hardly just begun.

are expanding
On our 400+ acre land - surrounded by thousands of acres of wilderness - we have built a 4,000 sq ft shop that we're converting into a lodge. We have also set the groundwork to build 7 new dark retreats, small private cabins, and eventually a community/village surrounding it.
We envision the next phase of construction happening Spring 2024 and having the new expanded center with 7 additional dark retreats and a lodge completed and operational in 2025.

After self-funding $2MM+ in the current and expanded center -- 400+ acres, permits and improvements, we are seeking an additional investment of approximately $1.5MM in the form of equity investment, secured or unsecured loans, loan guarantees, or other creative financing.
We are exploring all our options and are excited about bringing in deeply aligned strategic partners to join us in this unique offering and expanding this movement and the medicine of the dark.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
- Margaret Mead
get in touch
Over the last few years, we have witnessed a variety of momentous transformations in such a wide ranging audience in a very short period of time.
Join us at the cutting edge of Darkness Therapy.
diverse audience
We've seen people with clinically diagnosed PTSD, depression, anxiety disorders, sexual abuse, and a full range of childhood and lifetime traumas have profound transformations as they soften, open and deeply return to trust in the uniquely safe and supportive container of darkness therapy.
There are also many people who come to simply reset and allow their nervous system to relax while others are drawn to deeply explore their inner world and rest in true nature with the support and reflection of the dark.
We recently secured permitting that allows us to build out a retreat center and host up to 250 people at a time. For now, we're only envisioning hosting 7 to 14 people at a time, however this gives us flexibility for larger events and gatherings as desired and appropriate.
This permitting also allows us to have a community surrounding and supporting the center.
We are also exploring collaborations with our neighbor on their 480+ bordering acres.
We plan to build 7 more dark retreats and continue to use 3 of our existing ones for a total of 10.
At $265/night booked out 340 days of the year - we would gross $900k.
We estimate $555k in expenses a year.
Our projected net is $345k.
We also envision building additional cabins to host retreatants who wish to stay longer both before and after their dark immersion, and a priority rate for accelerated scheduling.